The Catalogue of  Catalogues

The regional Catalogues 

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Sergey Markov

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In this Catalogue you can find the annotated links to the sites-catalogues and search engines from different regions, countries, cities, areas. These sites cover the following categories:  economy, industry, agriculture, science, art, culture, history, policy, religion,education, finance, banks, business, investment, trade, country, city, family,immigration, emigration, mass-media, Internet, computers, search systems, medicine, sports, game, acquaintance, entertainment.


  1. 360 Alaska. Tourist site of Alaska, map of areas of Alaska with the description of tourist possibility of each area.

  2. AAA Matilda Search Engine. The Australian retrieval system, thematic and alphabetic catalogues and search engines of world and Australian resources the Internet.

  3. About Australia. The catalogue of the links on sites about Australia  with possibility of search.

  4. Afghanistan Online. The Information server of Afghanistan. Some headings of the server: economy, geography, culture, languages of Afghanistan, policy, history, situation of the women, sports, flags, photo, animals, hymn, novelty, Islam, films. On a site the search engine works.

  5.  Agora Cyprus. The Information site of Cyprus, in which enters the catalogue the Internet of resources. Headings of the catalogue: auto, business, electronics engineering, food, operation, real estate, purchasing, travel. It is a lot of additional information services.

  6.  Antigua: Offshore and Accounting Services. The information server Antigua for the businessmen, the names of headings correspond to an orientation of the server - international business: companies, trust, the audit etc. On the server works the search engine of resources Antigua.

  7. Arab Net. The resource site of the Arabian countries of Middle East and Northern Africa. On the site: news of political, economic and cultural life, information materials, catalogue of resources the Internet on the countries, alphabetic catalogue, search engine.

  8. Art New. The catalogue of sites devoted to art of state Florida on categories: cultural centers, museums, gallery, artists and actors, organizations. A calendar of events. A debatable forum about art.

  9. Asian connection. The information server of resources the Internet of the Asian region. The thematic catalogue with splitting on countries. The business, financial, computer information, travels, tourism, laws, purchasing. On a site the search engine works.

  10. Asian Net. The Number One Business Information Provider of Asia. The Information business - network Asia, network from sites devoted to the Asian countries and  sites, devoted to Australia, America, Europe. The search system Asian Net works.

  11. Baltic Business Server. The information on economy of Estonia. Business - contacts to the Estonian firms. The links to resources of Latvia and Lithuania. There is a Russian version.

  12. Belize Online Tourist and Investment Guide.  An information site Belize, which theme tourism and investments in Belize. Some headings: culture, business, ancient treasures, natural quality, sources of news, official sources.

  13. Beyond Asia. The catalogue of the Asian resources the Internet. Headings of the catalogue: news, business, art and entertainments, travels and sports, finance, kind.

  14. Blue window.The  Swiss search machine, search of resources the Internet of Switzerland and world. Simple and extended search.

  15. Brama. On the site-the catalogue of the Ukrainian resources the Internet in the Ukrainian and English languages,  the search engine works.

  16. Britannia. The catalogue of the links on resources Internet with the information on a history and culture of Great Britain and Wales, monarchy, sports, art, science of Great Britain.

  17. Caribbean Home Page.The  catalogue of sites of countries of pool of the Caribbean sea on categories: business and finance, education, entertainments, governmental structures, newspapers, wireless and television, shops, sports, tourism and travels. Possibility of search on the site.

  18. Chile Net. The catalogue of business - sites of Chile. Possibility of search on key words and by the form of activity.

  19. Columbia. Yellow pages. The catalogue of the links on Internet-resources of Colombia, address of the computer mail, number of telephones and faxes of country.

  20.  Estonia. The catalogue of Internet-resources of Estonia. There is a Russian version.

  21. Euro Ferret. On the site: the search machine of resources the Internet of Europe, the search in many languages.

  22. Europe Online. The European Portal to the Internet, catalogues on themes and on countries, catalogue on resources, interactive map of Europe. The search system works.

  23. Fiji Islands Information Center. The information site of islands Fiji. Headings of a site: about Fiji, trips and tourism, real estate, business - center, news, events.

  24. Fiji. The catalogue of sites of islands Fiji on themes: the common information, news, weather, sports, tourism, trade, commerce, finance, education, noncommercial organizations.

  25. France.  The catalogue of sites of government offices of France with the brief descriptions. Possibility of search on a site.

  26. Ghana Forum.  An information site of Ghana. On a site- the catalogue of resources the Internet of Ghana, chat, forum, news, search engine.

  27. Good hit India. The catalogue of the links on sites of India on various categories.

  28. Government UK.  The catalogue of sites publishing the information of government of Great Britain, and means of search of the governmental information placed on Web.

  29. Greece  Internet Guide to Greece. The catalogue of Internet-resources devoted to Greece. Chat about Greece. Possibility of search on the site. 

  30. Guide to Israeli Internet.  The catalogue of sites devoted to Israel, on sections: business, art, entertainments, government, education, news. Possibility of search on the site. 

  31. India Connect.  An information site of India, on a site- news of India and search system of Indian resources the Internet, thematic catalogue and search machine on key words with logical operations. 

  32. Japan. The catalogue of sites about Japan.

  33. Japan Web Guide. The catalogue of sites of Japan on various categories.

  34. Latvia. The catalogue of Internet-resources of Latvia. The sections represented: cities and regions, society, culture and art, entertainments, government, science and education, computer technologies, mass media. There is a Russian version.

  35. Latvia links. The catalogue and means of search of the information about the Latvia. There is a Russian version.

  36. Lebanon. The information server of Lebanon, on the site: news, catalogue of resources the Internet, search machine, catalogue of official resources, forum, chat.

  37. Lebanon. The catalogue of annotated sites of Lebanon and  search machine.

  38. Links.The catalogue of sites sorted on themes, cities of USA and countries of the world.

  39. Maven. On the site: the thematic catalogue of Internets - resources of Israel.  The search machine works.

  40. Media UK Internet Directory.The  catalogue of sites of mass media of Great Britain: tele-channels, radio stations, electronic versions of the newspapers and journals, service of news.

  41. Moldova. The catalogue of Internet-resources of Moldova. The Moldavian virtual community. There is a Russian version.

  42. Moscow. Foreign languages in Moscow: schools, courses, examinations, work for the teachers, resources in the Internet for the teachers and students, education abroad. 

  43. New-York digital city. Discover your city. The information on many (more than 60) cities of USA. News, culture and art, cars, real estate, operation, any help information and search. Sports and cinema, etc.

  44. Orientation: the regional search directory. The global information search network covering 6 regions: Asia, Africa, Central and East Europe, Latin America, Caribbean island, Average East, Oceania. In each section- the review of Web-sites, chat, forums, search machines, catalogues on themes and countries.

  45. Road House - Unofficial Belgian directory. The catalogue of web-sites of Belgium. There are the thematic catalogue and search engine.

  46. St.-Petersburg. The catalogue of St.-Petersburg, the catalogue contains the information about organizations, firms and establishments of St.-Petersburg, links to various information sources, and also other information by and large connected to city St.-Petersburg. There is a Russian version.

  47. Scandinavia. The catalogue of sites of the Scandinavian countries, which were grouped together on countries and categories. Possibility of search on the site.

  48. Scotland. The catalogue of the annotated references on sites of Scotland on various categories. Possibility of search on the site.

  49. Search Singapore.  A retrieval service and annotated catalogue of the references on sites of Singapore on various categories.

  50. Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.  The server contains the information on activity of the Siberian Branch of an Academy of sciences: research and technology institutes; an intellectual potential of Siberia Russian Academy; conferences; support of researches in the field of mathematics; major development of Institutes offered for broad use; the network Internet of a Siberian center of science, and also help materials on information resources etc. There is a Russian version.

  51. South Africa. The catalogue of sites of South Africa on headings: business, computers, education, entertainments, government, health, news, science, sports, tourism.

  52. Spain. The informational and tourist site of Spain: the information and photos on a history, architecture, museums, art, national kitchen.

  53.  Syria. The information server of Syria, on head page the guidebooks to news, business, culture, tourism of Syria. Sections: news, business, art and culture, tourism.

  54. Swiss banks.The catalogue of the Swiss banks. The contact information and links to sites of banks of Switzerland and Liechtenstein, FAQ.

  55. Swiss Directory.The catalogue of annotated sites of Switzerland on categories. Possibility of search on the site.

  56. Tibet Online Resource Gathering. The catalogue of English Internet-resources of Tibet on business, culture, religion, policy in country.

  57. Tourism.  The catalogue of sites of France devoted to tourism, on sections: provinces and regions, cities, museums, tourist organizations and companies. Possibility of search on the site.

  58. UK-Church. The catalogue of the references on sites of churches of Great Britain. Possibility of search.

  59.  UK Online. The catalogue of the annotated links on the sites of Great Britain.

  60. Unearth. The catalogue of annotated sites of New Zealand on categories. Possibility of search on the site.

  61. Scotland. The catalogue of the annotated references on sites of Scotland on various categories. Possibility of search on the site.

  62. Washington. The catalogue of Internet-resources about city Washington, district Colombia, USA. The links on sections: a situation on roads of city, sports, weather, outcomes of lotteries, daily horoscopes, financial news, debatable forums, chat.

  63. Web site of the Republic of Cuba.The  catalogue of resources the Internet of Cuba. Headings of the catalogue: news and journals, tourism and travels, art and culture, business and trade, science and technology, port services, government.

  64. Yellowed Europe Directory. The search system of European resources the Internet, thematic catalogue and the search machine on key words in 7 languages, it is a lot of parameters for clarification of a search area. The search on selected countries is possible.

  65. Yugoslavia. The catalogue of web-sites of Yugoslavia: business, culture, entertainments, company, policy, mass-media, computers, education, sports.

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